

Editorial: The Farce in Amman

The Syria Times editor says, “no power whatsoever can save the terrorists from defeat at the hands of the Syrian army, whether in Qusayr, Aleppo, Daraa, Qineitra, or any other part of Syria.”

Moderate opposition leader Says High Hopes for Geneva Conference

The National Coordination Commission for Democratic Change (NCC), Hassan Abdulazim said Monday the group will propose new ideas and to the regional and international participate in proposed international conference to solve the Syrian crisis.

Syrian Press Editorials

Syrian press editorials today lashed on Qatar and Turkey, as we;; as the “American backtracking” on the commitments it offered at the first meeting in Moscow

Dialogue the Only Way to Stop the Bloodshed: Halqi

Prime Minister Wael al-Halqi said Wednesday internal national dialogue is the only means to reach a political solution, to stop the bloodshed and the destruction of the state in Syria.

Can Russia and the West End Syria’s Chaos?

For analysts familiar with the politics of Syria, the country’s descent into chaos amounts to an all-too-predictable pattern. It also parallels what Rami Makhlouf, a major regime figure and first cousin of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, bluntly announced that, among other things, Syrians faced the Assad regime or domestic and regional chaos.

U.S Accepted Syrian Conditions: Assad will Stay

Israeli political sources say the United States dealt a severe blow to armed groups operating in Syria after it accepted Russian conditions to solve the crisis in the country.

U.S Accepted Syrian Conditions: Assad will Stay

Israeli political sources say the United States dealt a severe blow to armed groups operating in Syria after it accepted Russian conditions to solve the crisis in the country.

Is Saudi Arabia behind the substitution of Hitto?

The former president of Syrian National Council, Abdul Basset Seida said that the a replacement for Ghassan Hitto, the current president of the Syrian Transitional Government is possible during a meeting of the executive body of the Coalition decided to be held in Istanbul on 11-12 May.