

The war in Syria: ISIS’s most successful investment yet

The year 2006 was a turning point on the jihadi scene. In June of that year, one of the most prominent leaders of global “jihad”, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (Ahmad Fadel al-Khalayleh), was killed

Is the Armed Rebellion in Syria on the Wane?

Syria’s armed rebellion has undergone visible consolidation both in the field and at the command level since September 2013. Long overdue, this is a highly positive development. Still, it is unlikely to be enough to best the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. While the armed rebellion is far from being defeated, it has plateaued, both militarily and politically.

The Syrian Opposition’s Bleak Outlook

The Syrian National Coalition is living on borrowed time. Unless it can develop credible political leadership and effective administration inside Syria, the outlook for those trying to make it succeed looks bleak

The Unknown Role of Kuwait's Salafis in Syria

The Kuwaiti role involved not only creating military operation rooms and directing the course of certain battles, but also giving direct orders to commit massacres and then boasting about them