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Editorial: The Farce in Amman

The Syria Times editor says, “no power whatsoever can save the terrorists from defeat at the hands of the Syrian army, whether in Qusayr, Aleppo, Daraa, Qineitra, or any other part of Syria.”

Opposition Coalition Releases ‘Fighter, not Killer’ Ads

The Syrian National Coalition, in coordination with Geneva Call, has released a series of Internet and television advertisements aiming to educate Syrians about the rules of warfare and human rights.

Syria: Catholics Join Islamist Fighters

Visitors crossing from Turkey to Ras al-Ayn, a sleepy border town in eastern Syria, are now welcomed by the unlikeliest of characters: a Catholic member of what is considered an extremist Islamist rebel group.

Syrian Press Editorials

Syrian press editorials today lashed on Qatar and Turkey, as we;; as the “American backtracking” on the commitments it offered at the first meeting in Moscow

Statement: Rights Activists Face Terrorism Charges

19 regional and international human rights organizations urge the international community to exert pressure on the Syrian authorities to release activist Mazen Darwish and two of his colleagues from the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression

Mamlouk Opposition Prepares for Negotiations with Syrian Regime.

The Syrian regime is working to form a political opposition coalition in Damascus made up of the so called ‘tolerated opposition’ with the aim of including it in talks based on the 2012 Geneva communique towards forming a transition government.

Syrian Press Editorials

The Syrian press call Turkish PM to resign and accuses the opposition of contacting Israel

Can Russia and the West End Syria’s Chaos?

For analysts familiar with the politics of Syria, the country’s descent into chaos amounts to an all-too-predictable pattern. It also parallels what Rami Makhlouf, a major regime figure and first cousin of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, bluntly announced that, among other things, Syrians faced the Assad regime or domestic and regional chaos.

Army restores security to towns in Damascus countrisides

The Syrian army has continued its pursuit of armed terrorist groups in the town of Jarba, in the Damascus countryside, after a successful campaign to restore stability and security in the towns of Otaybah, Qaysa and Ghreifeh in the Eastern Ghouta region.

Syrians Committed to National Dialogue: Halqi

Syria’s ministerial committee overseeing the implementation of a political program to end the crisis in the country met Monday, warning that terrorist groups in the country would face annihilation by the Syrian army.