

The Syrian Opposition’s Bleak Outlook

The Syrian National Coalition is living on borrowed time. Unless it can develop credible political leadership and effective administration inside Syria, the outlook for those trying to make it succeed looks bleak

West Aleppo Faces Unending Assault

West Aleppo is suffering intense, continuous bombardment as Islamist rebels sustain their largest offensive yet on regime-held areas

Syria’s Thousand Miles of Red Tape

Even Syrians who have escaped their war-torn country into Turkey continue to have their lives dominated by the Syrian regime’s far-reaching bureaucracy

The Assad Regime: Winning on Points

The Assad regime is clawing its way back to a position of dominance in the Syrian conflict. But it can only maintain that position as long as the armed conflict endures

Meeting of Union of Syrian Democrats Ends

The Union of Syrian Democrats has concluded three days of meetings of its Executive Office, its General Secretariat and its Regulatory Commission

The Refugee Children Forced to Work

Despite the difficulty of his job and the heavy responsibility he carries, Mahmoud feels proud to help his family