The Syrian National Coalition is expected to announce a special email adress for Syrians to communicate the organization and make suggestions for how to solve the problems they face with governments of host countries and provide them with their basic needs.
This is the first time the Coalition has established direct communication channels with Syrian civilians.
Sources said that the Coalition will specify a day each week during which Syrians can visit its office in Istanbul to discuss their situations and critical issues with case workers in order to find a mechanism to solve them.
The General Secretary of the Coalition, Nasr al-Hariri, confirmed that the General Secretary will carry out its plan to serve Syrians and communicate with people inside Syria, giving priority to solving their problems.
Hariri said the Coalition can act as an active legitimate representative of Syrian people to protect their interests, especially in the absence of the regime which is responsible of the deconstruction of the state and its institutions.
Hariri promised that the Coalition, its institutions, embassies and offices will be activated and it will try to fill the gap that has emerged between the work of its offices and committees. The Coalition will empower coordination and communication with Syrian people, and will listen to the views of Syrians, their suggestions and ideas in order to reach real achievements.
Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer
