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What Happened Over the Weekend

A fire at a camp kills children, minor earthquake felt on the Syrian coast, condemnation of Israeli actions in the Golan and Turkey continue to request help from the US. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Army Air Defenses Confront Israeli Aggression

Syrian air defences have intercepted and destroyed a number of missiles that were fired by Israeli warplanes at the central and southern regions of Syria reports SANA.

Turkish Military Convoy Passes Into Syria

The Turkish army has sent a military convoy of armored vehicles into Idleb province and deployed between the towns of Binnish, Ma’ar Masrin and Taftanaz writes SANA.

Islam Alloush: From the Assad Army to French Prison

Islam Alloush, who was a spokesman for Jaish al-Islam, has been arrested and charged with war crimes, torture, and the forced disappearance of activists report Al-Modon.

Syria Condemns ‘Deal of the Century’

Syria has rejected Donald Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’ saying that it seeks to eliminate the Palestinian cause and ignores UN resolutions writes The Syria Times.

Syria May Be the Test Case for Russia’s Influence

Russia has been instrumental in Syria and the actions have shown them to be a powerful force, but Asharq Al-Awsat asks if that will continue.