

Opinion: Will Cannibals govern Syria?

Two groups threaten the future of Syria: some of the rebels inside Syria, and the political opposition outside the country

Opinion: Obama's Disappointing Abandonment

The US has political and geostrategic interests in the Middle East but Obama, with his huge failure to pressure Putin, reflects an abandonment of these interests

Opinion: Opening a new front against Assad

With Iran’s economy already struggling, a boycott of its products in the Arab world could be devastating. Russia could also expect a boycott of its products, says Shobakshi

Opinion: When the Russian Baath Scolds Damascus

What is truly suspicious is the emergence of American signs pointing to the toppling of the balance of power in a way rendering it unlikely to see President Al-Assad stepping down in the near future

Syria’s Strategic Balance at a Tipping Point

The fall of the Syrian town of Qusair to Assad’s forces shows that the regime is poised to secure its position for the long term. The opposition must address its serious shortcomings