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Top Iranian Advisor: Opposition Splits Hinder Geneva II

Senior advisor to the Iranian Parliament Speaker, Hossein Sheikholeslam says a ceasefire must be implemented
Top Iranian Advisor: Opposition Splits Hinder Geneva II

Severe and widening differences between opposition forces in Syria are preventing a truce declaration for the start of peace talks at Geneva II conference, a senior Iranian parliamentary advisor said, according to FNA.


"At present, the possibility of holding the Geneva II conference is better than at any other time, but the main problem is that for any negotiations to be constructive, a ceasefire should be staged. Otherwise, no negotiations can be held," senior advisor to the Iranian Parliament Speaker, Hossein Sheikholeslam told FNA on Wednesday.


"And the problem is that the opposition recognizes no one as its leader to declare a truce. They are not in coordination with each other and there are terrorists among them who enjoy killing people," he added.


Iranian officials have repeatedly underlined that Tehran is in favor of negotiations between the Syrian government and opposition groups to create stability in the Middle Eastern country.


In November, Iran hosted a meeting between the representatives of the Syrian government and opposition to encourage them to start talks to find a political solution to their problems.


The National Dialogue Conference kicked off in Tehran mid-November with the motto of "No to Violence, Yes to Democracy".
While in New York last month, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani once again underlined that Tehran is ready to take part in the planned Geneva II conference on the crisis in Syria “without any preconditions”.


"If invited without any preconditions, Iran will participate in the Geneva II conference in order to help resolve the crisis in Syria,” President Rouhani said in a meeting with U.N. Special Envoy for Syria Lakhdar Brahimi in New York.


During the meeting, which was held on the sidelines of the 68th annual session of the United Nations General Assembly, the Iranian president urged an immediate settlement to the ongoing conflict in Syria.


Brahimi briefed the Iranian president on the latest developments in Syria and said he would like to see Tehran attend the upcoming Geneva II conference.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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