

Rubble Graffiti Livens Homs

Artist mixes contemporary art forms with traditional messages of hope

Opinion: Al-Assir and the Nusra Front

These individuals were unconcerned by seeing a handful of extremists ruin the image of the moderate majority

King Abdullah II: The view from Amman

The King of Jordan speaks to Asharq Al-Awsat on the Syrian crisis and its impact on Jordan and the Middle East

The Seige of Qaboun and Barzeh

A six-month siege on the areas has prompted fears of an imminent raid and massacre

Opinion: Obama's Disappointing Abandonment

The US has political and geostrategic interests in the Middle East but Obama, with his huge failure to pressure Putin, reflects an abandonment of these interests

No Geneva 2 Without Arms: Ghalioun

Ghalioun says balance of power must be changed on the ground while NCC chief says violence must stop altogether.