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Coalition Condemns Car Bomb Against Hezbollah

The car bomb struck a Shiite neighbourhood and stronghold of Hezbollah on the first day of Ramadan
Coalition Condemns Car Bomb Against Hezbollah

The Syrian National Coalition has condemned the explosion in Southern Beirut on Tuesday, that wounded at least 53 people and set several cars ablaze.


In a statement the Coalition said that “targeting civilians is a terrorist act and is inconsistent with the guiding principles and goals of the Syrian Revolution.”


The car bomb rocked the neighborhood that is a stronghold of the Shiite militant Hezbollah group, south of the Lebanese capital Tuesday. It was considered the most serious fall-out from Syria's civil war on its smaller neighbor since the Syrian crisis began.


A few hours after the explosion, the Syrian opposition activists circulated a statement attributed to the leadership of 'Brigade 313- Special Tasks' regarding the car bomb attack.


"This attack is not the first and will not be the last," the rebels of 313-brigade said in the statement.


"We will hit Hezbollah wherever we reach, whether in Lebanon or anywhere else."

The opposition Syrian National Coalition responded immediately, saying that “targeting civilians indiscriminately to achieve political gains is a common characteristic of the Assad regime."


"Furthermore, Assad has plunged the region into a state of insecurity and chaos. Syrians who firmly support the revolution for freedom, justice, and dignity will continue to denounce these heinous crimes, regardless of the target.”


"The international community and the Friends of Syria group must act immediately to restrain Assad in order to prevent a further deterioration of security inside and outside Syria. Daily massacres must come to an end," it continued.


"Moreover, the Syrian people’s aspirations for freedom, dignity, and justice must be met,” the Coalition added.


The powerful blast struck a bustling commercial and residential neighborhood as many Lebanese Shiite Muslims began observing the holy month of Ramadan, and is the worst explosion to hit Beirut's southern suburbs in years.


While there was no immediate claim of responsibility, there have been growing fears in Lebanon that Hezbollah could face retaliation for its now overt role fighting alongside President Bashar Assad's troops inside Syria, including, activists say, in the embattled city of Homs near the Lebanese border.


With smoke still hanging in the air after the bombing, a group of about 100 outraged Hezbollah supporters stormed the area, carrying pictures of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, shouting in support of their leader and chanting sectarian slogans.


Hezbollah operatives fired in the air to disperse a number of people who attacked the interior minister with stones after he inspected the scene of the blast, trapping him for 45 minutes in a building before he was escorted through a backdoor.


"The Shiite blood is boiling," Hezbollah supporters shouted.



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