

America – Between Winning the Arabs and Losing Them

Will the United States lose the hearts and minds of the Arabs with their current regional policy, which is defined by retreat, as some commentators describe the US pivot away from the Middle East as collusion with Russia and perhaps even Iran?

The Syrian Dilemma – Accused Even if Proven Innocent

After living through shelling, loss and displacement, the mere fact that they are Syrian has become a cause for suspicion wherever they go. With the spread of terrorist bombings across the world, it has become natural that the first to be accused in any attack is someone of Syrian nationality

Five Obstacles for the Security Council’s Syria Resolution

The resolution opted for constructive ambiguity and mutual concessions in an attempt to secure a consensus. The result was a final draft outlining the maximum Moscow could get, and the minimum Washington would surrender

‘Britain’s Air Strikes Are Doomed to Fail’: Assad

In an interview with The Sunday Times, Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, warns that bombing will increase the risk of terrorist attacks by sleeper cells in Europe unless there is a concerted effort to destroy ISIS on the ground. The following is the full text of the interview, as published by SANA.

France, Germany Open European Window to Assad

Paris puts military cooperation against ISIS in the framework of a political solution, while Moscow pushes for a map of non-European-backed militant groups