

Aid Convoy Arrives in Embattled Aleppo

Aleppo governor welcomes convoy of an ambulance, mobile hospital and relief supplies as part of a solidarity campaign with the city

Regime Missile Attack on Douma Kills 4

Assad forces target rebel-held city with mortar shells and cluster missiles, killing several civilians, activists claim

‘Situation Under Control’ in Syria

My memories took me back to the last demonstration I participated in, back in June 2012. Security forces had spread out in the area, although today there was no sign of bullets or tear gas. Instead of chasing everyone out of the area, the soldiers who had formed a cordon around the demonstrators were laughing and smoking.

How Can Syrians Overcome Their Dire Living Conditions?

Faced with severe economic strain, Syrians are finding it relatively impossible to survive on what they have access to. How can families overcome these conditions? Moreover, how could a Syrian family provide for its needs inside Syria at such an unprecedented cost?