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967 Candidates Register for April’s Parliamentary Elections

Election committee head says large candidate numbers signal a positive sign for voters as deadline for applications draws to a close
967 Candidates Register for April’s Parliamentary Elections

Syria’s national electoral body announced Saturday the number of candidates wishing to run in the upcoming parliamentary elections has reached 967.

The High Committee for Elections stated that as of 8 p.m. on Saturday, the number of candidates had reached 125 in Damascus, 76 in the Damascus countryside, 105 in Aleppo city and 73 in other areas of the province, 155 in Homs, 98 in Lattakia, 66 in Hama, 54 in Hassakeh, 44 in both in Deir-ez-Zor and Idleb, 43 in Tartous, 32 in Raqqa, 34 in Daraa, 12 in Quneitra, and seven in Suweida.

Head of the Committee, Judge Hisham al-Shaar, said the number of applicants was a positive sign, adding that the higher the number the better, as this offers voters more options to select their representatives.

Applications for candidacy in the elections will continue to be received until March 1, with the elections scheduled to be held on April 13.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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