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Opposition Launches New Battle in Southern Syria’s ‘Triangle of Death’

New Southern Front offensive aims at opening the road to the western Damascus suburbs to break the siege on blockaded areas
Opposition Launches New Battle in Southern Syria’s ‘Triangle of Death’

Opposition forces have launched a broad offensive against regime positions in the Daraa countryside and Quneitra, under the name, “If you return, we shall return,” in a sign of opposition forces’ readiness to fight and advance in the area, Al-Souria Net’s correspondent Ayham Saif reported on Tuesday.

Abu Mohammed al-Akhtoboot, deputy commander of the Southern Front’s Fajr al-Tawheed unit, told Al-Souria Net: “after great efforts, the opposition forces were able to form a large operations room to carry out a wide-ranging attack against the most important bases and barracks of the regime forces in the area, bringing together the Damascus and Daraa countrysides, Quneitra, the area known as the ‘Triangle of Death,’ as well as the northern countryside of Quneitra.”

According to Akhtoboot, the military operation aims to open the way to the western Damascus suburbs, to break the encirclement of the blockaded areas, such as Daraya and Moadhamiya, as well as surprise the regime forces and derail any plans which may aim to advance in the area.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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