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Qaboun Remains Under Siege Despite Two-Year Truce

Residents of the northern Damascus suburb continue to face relentless siege by regime forces as new "cessation of hostilities" is brokered by Syria and world powers
Qaboun Remains Under Siege Despite Two-Year Truce

The district of Qaboun in the northern suburbs of Damascus remains under siege despite a cease-fire agreement reached two years ago in early 2014, residents and activists say.

Regime forces have brutally rocked Qaboun with heavy shelling and conducted ground incursions into the area. The latest breach of the truce occurred last Tuesday when regime forces shelled the neighborhood, killing two and injuring many others.

Qaboun was one of the first areas to join the peaceful anti-government demonstrations in March 2011, and was a principal suburb in the battle of "Damascus Volacano" in July 2012.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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