

Young Syrians Use Graffiti to Defy Total Destruction

A group of Syrian graffiti artists in a southern Damascus have used their graffiti art to give despairing people hope as the regime wrecked Syrian cities and lives

Displacement and Demographic Change Create New Realities in Syria

The Syrian regime has used war to displace residents from strategically located cities and townships to northern areas of the country, a calculated policy of demographic change aiming at creating a factual religious and ethnic divide

Two Killed in Regime Attack Against Al-Waer

Activists report that two more people have been killed in regime airstrikes on Al-Waer neighborhood in Homs, as government forces extend aerial and ground campaigns after further agreements with rebels fails

Rebels Capture Ground from ISIS in Syrian Desert

Opposition news site says fighters took the areas of Al-Dayyatha and Kraa northeast of Suweida city amid further losses by the Islamic State over the past few weeks

Syrian Forces Take Full Control of Barada Valley Area: Army

State-run media says government and allied forces “restored security” to the towns and villages of the Barada valley on Sunday, almost exactly a month after a frail ceasefire was brokered between the regime and rebels by Russia and Turkey