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White Helmets: Regime Escalates Drone Attacks on Northern Syria

The Jabal al-Zawiya area experienced six suicide drone attacks, Zaman al-Wasl reports.
White Helmets: Regime Escalates Drone Attacks on Northern Syria

The White Helmets confirmed that suicide drones are a constant danger that undermines the lives of civilians in northwestern Syria, posing a serious threat to large areas of the region.

In a report, they stressed that the regime continues to use suicide drones as a weapon against civilians, targeting civilian environments, which threatens new waves of displacement, undermines the lives and movements of civilians, and prevents farmers from engaging in agricultural activities.

They reported that on Wednesday regime forces launched 11 suicide drone attacks on homes and cars of civilians in separate areas of the countryside of Idlib and Aleppo. These attacks, marking the eighth month of the regime’s use of this weapon against civilians in northwestern Syria, caused damage to homes, properties, and cars of civilians, though no injuries were reported.

The attacks were distributed across five towns and villages, with the largest share targeting Qastoun in the al-Ghab plain in the northern Hama countryside. This area suffered four suicide drone attacks that targeted civilian homes and agricultural lands, resulting in the death of a cow next to one of the town’s houses.

Drones and Missiles Target the Occupied Syrian Golan

The Jabal al-Zawiya area experienced six suicide drone attacks, targeting the towns and villages of Shanan, Farkia, and the outskirts of Deir Sonbol, south of Idlib (Shanan three, Farkia one, and Deir Sonbol two). These attacks caused damage to two civilian cars in Shanan and a car in Farkia, while the rest of the drones exploded in agricultural lands without causing civilian casualties.

In the western countryside of Aleppo, the regime forces targeted Kafr Taal with a suicide drone this morning, again without causing civilian casualties.

In July, regime forces escalated their suicide drone attacks, particularly targeting agricultural areas and civilian vehicles in the countryside of Idlib and Aleppo, with most attacks concentrated on the southern and eastern countryside of Idlib.

On 15 July, the White Helmets responded to the largest daily attack on civilian environments, as the southern countryside of Idlib witnessed a violent attack with 11 suicide drones targeting public facilities and civilian property, causing significant damage without civilian casualties.

Civilians in northwestern Syria face a serious threat as regime forces use suicide drones, systematically destroying their survival and livelihoods by deliberately targeting civilians and agricultural economic infrastructure.

The White Helmets issued a report on these attacks, indicating that they responded to 41 suicide drone attacks in the first four months of this year. These attacks targeted civilian environments from regime-controlled areas, with half targeting civilian cars or motorcycles, resulting in the deaths of three civilians and injuries to 18 others, including a woman and four children.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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