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Tribal Forces Launch Large-Scale Attack on SDF in Deir-ez-Zor

Athr Press sources confirmed that the tribal forces seized most of the SDF positions in several towns.
Tribal Forces Launch Large-Scale Attack on SDF in Deir-ez-Zor

Arab tribal forces launched a significant assault at dawn on Wednesday in the eastern and northern countryside of Deir-ez-Zor, successfully taking control of several headquarters and positions held by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Athr Press sources confirmed that the tribal forces seized most of the SDF positions in the towns of Dhiban, Abu Hamam, and Al-Kashkiya. In the town of Al-Tayana, SDF elements abandoned their posts, with some surrendering to the tribal forces. Additionally, tribal fighters launched an attack on the SDF headquarters in Granij.

In the northern countryside, tribal fighters stormed three SDF points in Abriha and targeted the Al-Muqsam and Al-Baladiya positions in Al-Harijiya. In Al-Sabha, tribal forces attacked the SDF headquarters, resulting in the deaths of several SDF members, including leaders.

SDF Countermeasures

The SDF responded by deploying drones in the conflict areas. Athr Press sources reported drone strikes in Dhiban, resulting in the deaths of two young civilians and injuries to 13 others. Additionally, mortar shells were fired from across the Euphrates River at Al-Bulil, a town under Damascus’ control.

The SDF mobilized reinforcements from Hassakeh to Deir-ez-Zor and from the Al-Omar oil field base to Abu Hamam. This attack prompted heightened alertness at American bases in the region. The towns of Dhiban and Al-Shuhail, near the Al-Omar oil field base, and Al-Sabha and Al-Basira, close to the Conoco gas field base, are areas of concern due to the proximity of American forces.

Tribal Forces’ Perspective

Sheikh Ibrahim al-Hafl, the commander of the Arab tribal forces in Deir-ez-Zor, commented on the attack: “We will continue to fight against the SDF militants until the liberation of the tribal areas. The tribes will not accept submission to the SDF militants, and our sons have the right to liberate their areas from these militants.”

The Arab tribal forces have been targeting SDF movements and headquarters in Deir-ez-Zor’s countryside since August 2023, aiming to end SDF control over their regions.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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