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Terrorists Killed in Idleb and Latakia

Army units report killing dozens and destroying weapons in several areas around the country on Monday
Terrorists Killed in Idleb and Latakia

Army units reported they killed all members of some armed terrorist groups. They included Yemenis, Iraqis and Palestinians in Latakia countryside. The army said they destroyed many missiles and explosive devices being used by gunmen in their terrorist attacks.


A military source said that an army unit killed members of an armed terrorist group that attempted to infiltrate Kherbet al-Baz, adding that the body of the terrorist Abu Mosaab al-Ansari was identified among those killed.


The source added that 23 terrorists were also killed in Tarta village, and that a car loaded with missiles and explosives and a heavy machinegun-equipped vehicle were destroyed.


Palestinian terrorist Abu Ghaith al-Ghazawi, a Nusra Front leader, was identified among the dead.


The source pointed out that army units destroyed terrorist dens in Salma and al-Zweik villages, killing terrorists including Khaled al-Rashed from Iraq, Sabra Zarour and Ahmad al-Naqshi from Palestine, while another unit killed three terrorists in Kafar Delbeh village including the terrorist Abu Zakhira al-Yamani.


Army units destroyed two terrorist hideouts affiliated with the Nusra Front and the Islamic State of Iraq Greater Syria (ISIS), which are linked to Al-Qaeda, in the villages of Malajeh and al-Fatera in Idleb countryside.


Translated and edited by the Syrian Observer 


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