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HTS Threatens Demonstrators: Liberated Areas Won’t Be Left to Troublemakers

HTS detained a number of activists on Friday, Syria TV says.
HTS Threatens Demonstrators: Liberated Areas Won’t Be Left to Troublemakers

Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham’s (HTS) Salvation Government has declared its intent to employ force in addressing anti-Julani demonstrations in Idlib governorate, labelling protesters as “agitators” and inciters of unrest and disorder.

The Interior Ministry of the Salvation Government issued a new statement on Saturday, outlining a heightened stance on the matter, presenting it as a “final opportunity” for protesters to cease their demonstrations denouncing the commission and its leader, Julani.

Anger Against Tahrir al-Sham in Idleb after Arrest of Activist

The statement, undersigned by the Minister of Interior of the Salvation Government, Mohamed Abdel Rahman, conveyed: “Those contributing to the dissemination of disorder and disruption of public order in the region have one final chance to reassess their actions and contemplate their impact; do they advance the region and the revolution or undermine it?”

Furthermore, the statement emphasized: “We stress that rectifying the error nullifies the consequence, and persistent employment of inflammatory tactics and propagation of discord necessitates a firm response from us. The region is entrusted, and we will not permit it to be jeopardized by troublemakers,” as articulated.

HTS launches arrest campaign 

The Ministry of Interior’s recent statement was prompted by calls from activists in Idlib governorate to rally after evening prayers to condemn the arbitrary arrest campaigns initiated by HTS since Friday, which have impacted several activists involved in the protests.

As per local sources, HTS detained a number of activists on Friday participating in the movement against it, including political activist Rami Abdel-Haq in downtown Idlib.

Sources indicated that a security force linked to HTS also apprehended activists Abu Ali al-Halabi and Adam al-Sahili while en route to the city of Jisr al-Shughour before Friday prayers, after their motorcycle was intercepted by HTS and struck by one of their vehicles.

In response, the Revolutionary Movement Gathering announced in a statement the suspension of all channels of communication and dialogue with military personnel, mediators, and those with initiatives, advocating for comprehensive peaceful civil disobedience commencing Saturday morning.

The movement highlighted that these demonstrations, strikes, and civil disobedience are legitimate forms of peaceful popular pressure to compel the authority to alter its conduct, stating that all “escalation measures we announced will cease if the detainees are released.”


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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