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Syrian Regime’s Continued Violations Post-ICJ Order Highlighted in New SNHR Report

SNHR has been rigorously monitoring violations of international human rights laws by the Syrian regime.
Syrian Regime’s Continued Violations Post-ICJ Order Highlighted in New SNHR Report

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) has released a critical report titled “Since the ICJ Order Was Issued Six Months Ago, the Syrian Regime Has Killed No Fewer than 29 Individuals Due to Torture, and Arrested At Least 534 Civilians, Including Eight Children and 21 Women.” The report calls for all members of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to sever all political, economic, and military ties with the Syrian regime.

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The report outlines the provisional measures ordered by the ICJ on November 16, 2023, following a request by Canada and the Netherlands concerning Syria’s adherence to the Convention against Torture. Since the order, SNHR has been rigorously monitoring violations of international human rights laws by the Syrian regime, particularly in detention centers.

Key findings from the report include:

Arbitrary Arrests: Between November 16, 2023, and May 16, 2024, at least 534 civilians were arbitrarily arrested, including eight children and 21 women. While 63 detainees were released, 471 have been classified as forcibly disappeared.

Deaths Due to Torture: The regime has killed at least 29 individuals through torture during this period. Only one victim’s body was returned to their family.

Registration of Deaths: SNHR obtained new death certificates for cases of enforced disappearance, revealing that the regime has been updating civil registry records with these deaths without notifying families or returning bodies.

Security Apparatus Changes: The regime has appointed and promoted military figures implicated in war crimes, such as Ali Mamlouk and Kefah Melhem, to senior positions within its security structure.

SNHR Executive Director, Fadel Abdul Ghany, emphasized that the organization’s daily monitoring aims to assist the ICJ in assessing the Syrian regime’s compliance with the court’s order and to build a case against the regime.

The report concludes that the Syrian regime has shown no willingness to cease its practices of torture and arbitrary detention, highlighting the need for the ICJ to issue a statement on the regime’s non-compliance. It urges the ICJ to take immediate and effective measures to address these violations, including a UN Security Council resolution condemning the Syrian regime’s actions and intensifying sanctions.

The SNHR report underscores the ongoing human rights abuses by the Syrian regime and calls for global action to ensure justice and accountability for the victims.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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