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Suweida Rose for Freedom: The strike enters its third day with the expansion of demonstrations

The general strike and civil disobedience in Suweida have entered their third consecutive day, according to Syria TV.
Suweida Rose for Freedom: The strike enters its third day with the expansion of demonstrations

The general strike and civil disobedience in Suweida have entered their third consecutive day, showing no signs of abating. The protest movement has expanded its reach to 38 different locations across the governorate, with indications that this number may rise further. This widespread dissent has prompted the closure of numerous government departments, institutions, and shops. Additionally, roads leading to city centers and towns have been effectively sealed off as part of the protest action.

At the heart of these ongoing demonstrations, al-Karama Square in Suweida’s city center has become a focal point for a sizable protest. The demonstration is a direct response to the policies of the Syrian regime. The participation in these acts of civil disobedience extends beyond the city limits, as villages and towns throughout the governorate join in the protest movement.

The protesters have been vocal in their demands, passionately chanting for freedom and the removal of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. They squarely attribute the decline in their living standards and economic circumstances to President Assad’s leadership. Banners held aloft by the demonstrators echo their call for the implementation of UN Resolution 2254. This resolution outlines a political transition as the appropriate course of action to resolve the ongoing crisis in the country.

No Solution Without Change: Suweida Continues Protests and Strike

Importantly, the protesters emphasize that their objectives are deeply political in nature. They seek the dismantling of the Syrian regime, an aim that is consistent with the enduring spirit of the Syrian revolution. It is made clear that the protesters’ goals transcend the narrow framing put forth by the regime’s media. While the regime seeks to portray these protests as addressing only local service-related issues, the protesters’ aspirations extend far beyond that narrow interpretation.

As the protests unfold, certain public and secondary roads have been blocked using burning tires, a symbolic act that underlines the mounting economic and security concerns in Suwayda. These roadblocks, in conjunction with the closure of shops, serve as tangible manifestations of the deteriorating conditions in the region.

The persistence of the general strike and civil disobedience into its third day underscores the resilience and determination of the people of Suwayda. Their unified voices and collective actions convey a resounding message that their quest for change and justice remains unwavering.

Raising salaries and fuel prices 

On Wednesday, regions under the control of the Syrian regime experienced a surge in private transport strikes following a government decision to raise fuel prices. This move caused confusion among citizens and students across various Syrian governorates.

Shortly after the Syrian regime’s president issued a legislative decree to double salaries and wages for public sector employees, amendments were introduced to hike the prices of diesel, gasoline, fuel, and liquid gas.

According to directives from the Ministry of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection, the cost of diesel for private bakeries has surged to 700 SYP per litre, while subsidized diesel for consumers now stands at 2,000 SYP per litre.

In Karama Square, a central demonstration was staged demanding the downfall of the regime. On Tuesday, hundreds of individuals from cities and towns within the Suweida Governorate embarked on a journey to the Karama Square in the heart of Suweida City. They participated in a pivotal demonstration that called for the ousting of the Syrian regime and an enhancement in living conditions. This event coincided with the launch of 38 other demonstration points throughout the governorate.

Karama Square bore witness to a substantial gathering of hundreds of people, who fervently chanted anti-regime slogans. Among these slogans were “Syria deserves better than Assad’s rule” and “The people demand an end to the regime.” These expressions of discontent extended their support to the governorates of Idleb, Aleppo, Daraa, and the entire nation.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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