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Storm Affects Dozens of Displacement Camps

Extreme weather has damaged dozens of refugee tents in Idleb and Aleppo, writes Baladi News.
Storm Affects Dozens of Displacement Camps

Hundreds of families in displacement camps spread across northwestern Syria have been affected by a high-speed windstorm and rainfalls that hit the area, at dawn on Wednesday.

The Baladi News correspondent in the Idleb countryside said that an extreme windstorm and heavy rain showers struck northwestern Syria, which caused the uprooting and tearing of dozens of displaced persons’ tents in various areas of Idleb and the Aleppo countryside. Hundreds of families were affected, some of whom are now homeless.

The correspondent said that the displaced in most of the camps spent a harsh night, especially in the mountainous heights, where the air is stronger than in the rest of the regions.

The people of the Sheltering Orphans, al-Khader, al-Khirba, al-Hilal, al-Sadr, al-Laban, Shahd, al-Rabee, al-Orouba, Muslim Care, al-Rahma, and al-Zouf camps, in addition to dozens of other camps, appealed to humanitarian organizations and charities to look into their situation.

The residents and directors of the aforementioned camps demanded that the relevant authorities responsible for the affairs of the displaced secure cement shelters that would end or alleviate their suffering, which is renewed with every new wind or rain storm that hits the region.

Thousands of forcibly displaced persons in camps in northwestern Syria are living in extremely difficult humanitarian conditions due to the lack of job opportunities, the lack of financial income, the scarcity of humanitarian and relief assistance provided by organizations operating in the region, and the high prices of all foodstuffs.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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