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Statement of the Kurdish Consultative Meeting in Madrid

Statement stresses unity of Syrian territory
Statement of the Kurdish Consultative Meeting in Madrid

A meeting of the Kurdish consultative held in the Spanish capital, Madrid, concluded on Tuesday with aKurdish political paper stressing the unity of Syrian geographical territory, and against any project to divide Syria.


The meeting was marked by various debates and controversies on various contentious issues, especially concerning the Syrian Kurds. Nonetheless, the paper won a political consensus in the meeting, and was signed by the vast majority of figures representing the Kurdish parties, the youth movement, and independents.


The paper envisaged an unprecedented political vision by the Syrian opposition, as Syria is viewed as a federal state with a parliamentary, presidential, democratic and pluralistic system that recognizes the principle of peaceful transfer of power, and the principle of separation of powers.


The paper called for the adoption of a consensus constitution that dedicates the principles and provisions of law and international conventions guaranteeing the rights of all the components of Syrian people, and equality between women and men.


The meeting stressed on the importance of finding a political solution for the Syrian crisis, a solution that meets the aspirations of the Syrian people to topple the dictatorial regime, and achieve a democratic and pluralistic alternative, in addition to fighting violence and terrorism in all its forms.


The paper provided an analysis of the situation in Syria, and its internal, regional and international complexities. The paper also stressed the need to work hard to launch a national project to maintain the unity of Syria, land and people, and work to build a new Syria. 


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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