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SDF Arrests Secretary of Baath Party Hassakeh Branch

In June, a source revealed to the Syria TV website that the SDF is heading to escalate against the Syrian regime "in response to contacts and rapprochement between the regime and Turkey."
SDF Arrests Secretary of Baath Party Hassakeh Branch

The Syria Democratic Forces (SDF) intelligence arrested Turki Aziz al-Hassan, the secretary of the Syrian regime’s Baath Party branch in Hassakeh governorate, from his home in the city of Qamishli. Sources told the Syria TV website that “SDF intelligence raided the house of Turki Hassan, at dawn on Wednesday, hours after the end of the wedding of his son, which he held in the city of Qamishli, and arrested him by force of arms after tension with members of his family, for refusing to arrest him.”

According to the sources, the arrest of Hassan came on charges of communicating with the Arabic tribes in Hassakeh to “gain the support of the Syrian regime, and work to recruit their sons in the ranks of the regime forces and Iranian militias.” They added that the SDF accuses Hassan of his activity in support of the elections of the People’s Assembly (the parliament of the Syrian regime), which took place recently.

SDF intelligence had previously arrested Turki Hassan and a group of Baath Party officials in the cities of Hassakeh and Qamishli in 2021, before releasing them later.

The Russian agency Sputnik quoted Turki Hassan, at the time, that their arrest came to “prevent the leadership of the Baath Party branch from traveling to Damascus to attend a preparatory meeting for the presidential elections,” noting that they were released after the plane took off from Qamishli airport towards Damascus.

During July, the SDF escalated against the Syrian regime in Hassakeh governorate, interrogating dozens of candidates for the People’s Assembly elections, and besieging the regime’s security square in Qamishli and Hassakeh, to prevent regime supporters from reaching polling stations.

In June, a source revealed to the Syria TV website that the SDF is heading to escalate against the Syrian regime “in response to contacts and rapprochement between the regime and Turkey.”


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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