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Rejecting Assad’s Farce: Syrians Decry the Illegitimacy of the Regime’s Parliamentary Elections”

Activists stress that these elections cannot supplant the legitimate demands of the Syrian people, according to Syria TV.
Rejecting Assad’s Farce: Syrians Decry the Illegitimacy of the Regime’s Parliamentary Elections”

Syrian activists have launched a campaign, “No to Assad and His Elections,” to underscore the egregious illegitimacy of the Syrian regime’s forthcoming “People’s Assembly” elections, slated for July 15.

Through tweets and statements, activists vociferously protest the elections, emphasizing their contravention of international resolutions, particularly UN Resolution 2254, which stipulates a comprehensive political solution for Syria. They stress that these elections cannot supplant the legitimate demands of the Syrian people, who have consistently called for freedom, justice, and regime overthrow since 2011.

Activists implore all Syrians to join the campaign, condemning the Assad regime for its egregious human rights abuses, including the detention of over 100,000 individuals, displacement of half the population, and destruction of major cities. They highlight the regime’s history of militarization, division, and coup d’etats.

The Regime’s Parliamentary Elections: A Sham

The Syrian regime is preparing to hold the People’s Assembly elections on July 15, amidst a notable absence of promotional banners and a shift to social media campaigning. Candidates’ programs lack substance, with vague promises and scant details.

The Baath Party’s Stranglehold on Parliament

The People’s Assembly in Syria comprises 250 members, with the Arab Socialist Baath Party typically securing between 160 and 166 seats, including its allies in the National Progressive Front. Independent members hold a mere 26.8% of seats.

International Community Rejects the Elections

Laura Dix, Political Affairs Officer at the United Kingdom’s mission to the United Nations, reiterated the UK’s rejection of the People’s Assembly elections, emphasizing their violation of basic international standards and Resolution 2254.

Similarly, the Germany Foreign Ministry’s Syria Office stated that Berlin does not support holding elections in Syria at this time, warning that they would further entrench conflict and division. German envoy to Syria, Stefan Schneck, emphasized the need for a Syrian-led political process, adopting a new constitution and implementing Resolution 2254.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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