
Regime Closes Bakeries in Liberated Areas

Decision comes amid speculation the regime will abandon state institutions in opposition-held areas
Regime Closes Bakeries in Liberated Areas

Director of the Idleb branch for the General Company of Bakeries issued a decision two days ago to close bakeries in the liberated areas.


Activists published the decision to terminate the work of bakeries in the follwing liberated areas: Maarrat Misrin, ad-Dana, Harem, Silqin, Kafr Takharim, Saraqeb, Sinjar, Abu az-Zuhur, Maarrat an-Numan, Khan Shaykhun, and Kafr Nubbul, Ibleen, and Idleb’s second bakery.


Views on the move differ, as some see it as a threat to bomb bakeries that aim to remain in operation, thus besieging civilians inside the liberated areas, which already face a shortage of flour. Others have ruled out this theory, claiming the regime bombs all the vital centers in the opposition-held areas, interpreting the decision as a sign that the regime has begun to abandon all areas beyond its control.


It is feared the same procedure of abandonment will be applied to other state institutions still supported by the regime, such as schools, and some health centers.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer

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