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Rebels Attack Military Bases in Maarat al-Numan

Islamic battalions stormed the regime’s military bases in Wadi Deif, al Mastomi and al-Qermid
Rebels Attack Military Bases in Maarat al-Numan

At least six rebel groups, including the Nusra Front and the Islamic Front on Saturday launched an attack on Syrian regime military bases in Maarat al-Numan near Idleb, a monitoring group said.


The Islamic battalions stormed the regime’s military bases in Wadi Deif, al Mastomi and al-Qermid, but no casualties were reported, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.


Bashar al-Assad's air forces carried out three raids on the rebel-held city of Maarat al-Numan in response.


In a related development, violent clashes took place between regime forces, supported by the National Defense Forces, against the Islamic battalions in the vicinity of a predominantly Alawite village of Eshtabraq near Jisr al-Shugour, according to the Observatory.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer



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