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Protests Continue in Suweida: America Expresses Solidarity

The US Embassy in Syria reaffirmed its solidarity with the Suweida movement, according to Enab Baladi.
Protests Continue in Suweida: America Expresses Solidarity

Protests in Suweida governorate have entered their 43rd consecutive day, with demonstrators demanding the ousting of the Syrian regime. The United States of America has once again expressed its support for the movement, this time through a tweet posted by the US embassy in Syria on the X platform.

On Monday, October 2nd, the Suwayda 24 Network released images from al-Sir Square (also known as al-Karama Square) in the heart of Suweida city. These pictures showcase banners held by protesters, urging the implementation of UN Resolution 2254, which calls for a political transition of power.

Furthermore, additional villages in the governorate have joined the Suweida protests, as depicted in photographs shared on the local al-Rased Facebook page.

In an ongoing display of dissent, residents of the governorate have been removing images of the Syrian regime’s president, Bashar al-Assad, from government buildings. Video footage documents the removal of Assad’s portraits from the supply and internal trade building, as well as the municipality building in Suweida city.

On the occasion of the International Day of Non-Violence, the US Embassy in Syria reaffirmed its solidarity with the Suweida movement. They emphasized the United States’ recognition of the crucial role played by Syrian women in peace processes, particularly in locations like Suweida.

US Ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, stated, “We must ensure that these women not only have a seat at the table but are seated at the head of the table.”


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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