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Levant Front Delivers Key Border Crossing to Syrian Interim Govt

FSA group hands over the strategic Bab al-Salameh crossing on the border with Turkey to the Ankara-backed opposition, Al-Etihad reports
Levant Front Delivers Key Border Crossing to Syrian Interim Govt

Syrian rebels under the Euphrates Shield alliance on Oct. 10 handed over the Bab al-Salameh border crossing north of the city of Azaz to the Syrian interim government.

Images published by the opposition showed the attendance of the interim government's President Jawad Abu Hatab to accept delivery of the crossing.

Activists claim that the crossing's revenues and resources, in addition to all the imposed fees and decisions which include the movement of commercial traffic, will now be in the hands of the interim government alone, adding that the crossing will not be overseen by any military authority.

The Levant Front (also known as Al-Jabhat al-Shamiya) has held the crossing since its formation in 2014, after the alliance absorbed the Northern Storm Brigade which had controlled the crossing since 2012.

A number of battles have occurred in the area throughout the past years, most prominently with the Islamic State (ISIS) group, which tried to control the crossing, while last year saw clashes erupt between the Levant Front and Ahrar al-Sham.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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