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Legacy of Failure: Syrian Opposition and Assad Regime

The Syrian opposition has proven to be as sectarian and corrupt as the Assad regime, Hoshek Ossi writes Al-Araby al-Jadeed.
Legacy of Failure: Syrian Opposition and Assad Regime

The normalization of relations between Turkey and the Assad regime is a pragmatic move, as Ankara cannot afford to maintain hostility while Arab countries, the League of Arab States, and the international community recognize the Assad regime as the legitimate government. Turkey’s relations with Israel, America, Iran, and Iraq further underscore the logic of this move.

The Syrian opposition’s failure to present a credible alternative to the Assad regime is a crucial factor. Despite its sectarian, militaristic, and corrupt nature, the opposition has proven equally sectarian and corrupt, failing in administration. The opposition’s inability to adapt and present a convincing alternative has left the world with a choice between bad and worse options, leading to the selection of the Assad regime.

“The revolution continues”?

The Syrian opposition’s panic and empty slogans like “the revolution continues” mirror the hysteria in the media of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and its affiliates in Rojava. The PKK and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have also failed to present a model of good governance, leading citizens to long for the days of Assad’s rule.

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The American administration’s failure to separate the Autonomous Administration from the PKK has further complicated the situation. The SDF, an American-backed project, has failed to establish Kurdish rights in Syria or provide a viable administrative model.

The PKK’s provocations have justified Turkey’s military actions, and an “Adana 2” agreement between Turkey and Syria is likely imminent. If this occurs, Turkey will emerge victorious from the failures of the Assad regime and its opposition.

Ultimately, the real victims will be the deceived Syrians and the failed political entities that have caused immense damage to Syrian society. If a final solution to the Syrian issue is found, the warlords from both the regime and the opposition will likely re-emerge, perpetuating the cycle of conflict.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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