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Kidnapping & Torture of Fawaz Sparks Outrage, Ransom Deadline Looms

As the deadline for the payment of the ransom to the kidnappers of young Fawaz nears, the boy's parents are still far behind, according to al-Araby al-Jadeed.
#SaveFawaz: Kidnapping and Torture of Syrian Boy Sparks Outrage as Ransom Deadline Looms Fawaz
Kidnapping & Torture of Fawaz Sparks Outrage, Ransom Deadline Looms

The family Fawaz, a young child kidnapped in November in the southern Syrian province of  Daraa, announced over the weekend they were still gathering money to meet the ransom deadline set by the kidnappers.

Six-year-old Fawaz al-Qetifan was taken on his way back from school three months ago by unknown individuals.

The kidnappers demanded the family pay 500 million Syrian liras (approximately $138,000) by Wednesday 9 February to secure Fawaz’s release.

They released a disturbing video appearing to show the boy being tortured after his family said that they could afford to pay only part of the ransom but not the full amount.

The video quickly spread across social media, sparking outrage and seeing an online campaign using the hashtag #SaveFawaz launched to save the boy.

Kidnappers reportedly threatened to cut off a finger for every day they are not paid the ransom after Wednesday.

Read Also: Save Fawaz: Solidary Campaign with Kidnapped Child of Daraa

In a video released on Facebook, Syrian actor Abd al-Hakeem al-Qetifan – a relative of the boy – said that the family would collect the full ransom amount “in hours”.

He added that the money was being gathered by the family with no outside help. He also thanked everyone for their solidarity with Fawaz and his family.

According to local media outlet Enab Baladi, the family has only managed to secure about 190 million pounds (approximately $53,000), despite selling their land and valuables to raise funds.

The New Arab reached out to the boy’s family for comment but received no response.

Kidnappings in the southern provinces of Daraa and Suweida happen with relative frequency, with general lawlessness allowing armed gangs to blackmail families with impunity. In March 2020, an eight-year-old girl, Salam al-Khalaf, was also kidnapped on her way back from school in Daraa.

One of the key complaints of the residents of Daraa al-Balad – when they confronted regime forces in the summer of 2021 – was that armed gangs were able to operate without consequence in the southern province.

Despite promises to restore order following the regime’s crushing of the summer revolt rights groups say that kidnappings and lawlessness remain a constant problem in Daraa. Assassination attempts on both former-opposition figures and regime forces continue to be carried out periodically, with two regime soldiers killed by unknown individuals in late January.

Daraa’s police chief said that he had been in touch with Fawaz’s relative on a daily basis and that he is “optimistic” that positive results will be reached in the case.


The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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