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Jordan Toughens Tone Against Assad Regime: “Smugglers Being Trained”

Jordan's military attributes the rise in smuggling along the Syrian border to the Assad regime itself, and not to smugglers as it usually does, according to al-Souria Net.
Jordan Toughens Tone Against Assad Regime: “Smugglers Being Trained”

Jordan’s military attributes the rise in smuggling along the Syrian border to the Assad regime, asserting that recent investigations expose smugglers who have undergone “military training.”

Mustafa al-Hiyari, the spokesperson for the Jordanian army, conveyed on Monday that the Syrian government bears responsibility for any presence of militias, irrespective of their affiliations. Despite multiple attempts at communication with the regime, he lamented in a televised interview that their efforts have been fruitless, compelling them to employ force to curtail all forms of smuggling.

While Jordan had previously accused influential figures within the Assad regime of facilitating smuggling, Hiyari’s recent statements to Al-Mamlaka indicate a shift in tone. He emphasized that the perpetrators behind these activities are organized gangs executing smuggling operations systematically.

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In the course of recent investigations into apprehended smugglers, Hiyari disclosed that they had undergone military training. He clarified that although the training ostensibly focused on handling drugs and engaging with border guards, it amounted to military training, suggesting the involvement of foreign agendas.

Highlighting the organized nature of these actions, Hiyari refuted the notion that armed groups alone were responsible, emphasizing the hidden agendas driving them. The Jordanian army spokesman underscored that the apparent coordination implies more than the mere existence of armed groups.

The Jordanian army recently engaged in armed clashes against “large groups of smugglers” attempting to bring weapons and drugs from Syria. These clashes followed airstrikes attributed to Jordan that targeted sites in Syria’s Suweida governorate. The surge in operations over the past few days has escalated from infiltration and smuggling attempts to armed confrontations aimed at forcefully crossing the border.

Muhannad Mubaydeen, the Government Communications Minister and spokesperson, had previously attributed the escalating confrontations to “existing chaos and the lawlessness of power,” pointing to “militias backed by regional powers” as contributing factors.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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