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Islamic Front Expels Al-Qaeda Militants from Al-Bab, Aleppo

The Islamic Front is trying to extend gains against ISIS in Dana
Islamic Front Expels Al-Qaeda Militants from Al-Bab, Aleppo

Brigades with the Islamic Front have expelled militants from the State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) from Al Bab city, near Aleppo, Zaman al-Wasl sources reported.


“The city is under full control of the Islamic Front and the ISIS’s fighters fled to Qabassin village,” the source said.


In related developments, activists reported fierce clashes in the town of Dana, a main ISIS stronghold in Idleb province.


Rebel fighters also seized ISIS headquarters in Aleppo Wednesday and freed 300 hostages. The Front is now looking to extend their gains by expelling the Al-Qaeda militants from Dana, the sources said.


Since Friday, along with the Syrian Revolutionaries Front and the nascent Mujahedeen Army, the Islamic Front has been engaged in fierce fighting with ISIS in rebel-held areas.


The latest clashes broke out Friday after residents accused ISIS members of killing a doctor in Syria’s northern province of Aleppo.


The focus of the conflict has been in opposition areas in Aleppo and Idleb provinces, but Sunday spread to Hama and Raqqa provinces.


Late Tuesday, an ISIS spokesman said the group would "crush" opposition fighters and warned that it considered members of the opposition National Coalition and the military command of the Free Syrian Army to be "legitimate targets."


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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