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Information Minister Praises Syrian Media for Coverage of Damascus Fair

Turjman says journalists were able to project strong image of Syria to the world, official media reports
Information Minister Praises Syrian Media for Coverage of Damascus Fair

Information Minister Ramez Turjman said that journalists covering the events of Damascus International Fair contributed to the success of the event and helped convey a strong message to the world about the status of Syria.

“Syrian media has been able to relay a strong message about the position of Syria,” Turjman said during a visit to the fairground's media center on Saturday, adding that the large turnout and celebrations indicate that “the atmosphere of victory is not far from what we live today.”

“One of the most important messages of the fair was that the Syrian economy is recovering,” the minister added.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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