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Foiled Terrorist Operation Intended To Target Damascus With Explosive Belts

The government has prevented a terrorist plot to target Damascus with explosive belts, writes SANA.
Foiled Terrorist Operation Intended To Target Damascus With Explosive Belts

A security source said on Monday that competent authorities foiled a terrorist operation intended to target Damascus with explosive belts, killing three terrorists and arresting three others.

The source added that in cooperation with honest citizens in Zakyah and Kanaker in the Damascus countryside, the terrorist operation, plotted by terrorists and Takfiri groups against Damascus, was thwarted.

It stressed that the authorities killed three terrorists wearing explosive belts, and arrested three others who were also wearing explosive belts, adding that they were sent by terrorist organizations to target Damascus city.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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