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Druze Clerics Call for Intervention Measures in Suweida: Video

Video shows loyalist Druze clerics urging military intelligence chief for firm action in the southern province
Druze Clerics Call for Intervention Measures in Suweida: Video

Pro-regime media published footage of an unannounced meeting between a group of Suweida’s Druze clerics and Gen. Wafiq Naser, head of the province’s military intelligence.

A spokesman for the Druze religious scholars announced that the delegation had agreed to “release the hands of the state and the law as it sees appropriate.”

Gen. Nasser has reportedly interpreted the remarks to suggest the acceptance of martial law in the southern Druze stronghold, even stating that orders will be given for the arrest of anyone in possession of arms, even those wearing scholars’ and sheikhs’ clothing.

According to Nasser, armed fighters in Druze clothes from Daraa had planned to attack Suweida in an attempt to control its official institutions, adding that on the day of arresting Rafid Abo Torabeh, around 600 armed individuals were caught planning to attack Almazraa disguised in scholars’ clothes.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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