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Coalition Legal Group Recommends Establishment of Supreme Judicial Council in Northern Syria

The judiciary in northwestern Syria grapples with challenges including conflicting legal references, Syria TV writes.
Coalition Legal Group Recommends Establishment of Supreme Judicial Council in Northern Syria

The Legal and Human Rights Working Group of the Syrian National Coalition has proposed the establishment of a higher judicial council in northwestern Syria to address the prevalent issues in the region. This recommendation emerged during a workshop titled “Developing Legislation: A Social and Institutional Imperative for Advancing Justice and Rights,” convened at the coalition’s headquarters in Azaz City, north of Aleppo. The workshop saw the participation of various researchers, jurists, specialists, and a representative from the Syrian Interim Government.

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Abdul Basit Abdul Latif, the coordinator of the Legal and Human Rights Working Group, emphasized the pivotal role of legislation in upholding justice and rights. Keynote speakers delved into the social dimensions of legislative development, its ramifications on the local community, the responsibilities of legislative bodies and governmental institutions, methods for refining existing laws, and scrutinized the Charter of the Syrian Revolution for Human Rights and Public Freedoms.

Attendees, as per the coalition’s statement, underscored the urgency of adapting legislation to address pressing issues, culminating in several recommendations. These included the establishment of an administrative judiciary tasked with handling annulment and compensation cases, providing opinions on polled cases, and forming a Supreme Judicial Council along with a general body for the Court of Cassation to mitigate legislative gaps.

Moreover, recommendations put forth by attendees urged the coalition to institute a legal mechanism comprising experts and specialists to review obsolete articles within the Syrian legal framework and propose requisite legislative amendments. They also called for the enactment of laws to combat drug trafficking, regulate firearm possession, bolster women’s participation in public spheres, and integrate human rights education into school and university curricula. 

Additionally, the case of media activist Amer Assi has drawn scrutiny from the courts of the Salvation Government, prompting further inquiries.

The reality of the judiciary in northern Syria 

The judiciary in northwestern Syria grapples with challenges including conflicting legal references, inadequate academic qualifications among judicial personnel, and subordination to military authority. 

Furthermore, the region contends with the presence of two distinct governing bodies—the Salvation Government and the Temporary Government—each operating its own judicial system with variations in legislative sources and implementation mechanisms.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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