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Assad’s Warplanes Continue Massacres in Eastern Ghouta as Opposition Slams International Silence

War monitor and White Helmets group reports deadly regime raids on several towns in the Ghouta area, Alsouria writes
Assad’s Warplanes Continue Massacres in Eastern Ghouta as Opposition Slams International Silence

Dozens were killed and wounded on Sunday in an escalation by the Assad regime’s warplanes on the cities and towns of the Eastern Ghouta of Damascus, with the opposition blaming the international forces and countries guaranteeing the “de-escalation” zones for the continuing massacres near the capital.

The cities and towns of the Ghouta have for the last few days seen a military escalation of the regime which has killed and wounded hundreds in addition to inflicting major material damage on the residential districts.

The Syrian Civil Defense center in the Damascus countryside reported that two airstrikes from regime warplanes struck the city of Hamouriyah, killing 13 people, including children, while similar strikes hit the cities and towns of Harasta, Arbain, Masraba and Beit Sawa in the Eastern Ghouta.

In the city of Arbain, the center documented the deaths of two children in the preliminary toll and a number of wounded civilians, including women and children, during an airstrike on the residential districts of the city.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that warplanes conducted three raids on the areas in the town of Beit Sawa, which led to one woman being killed and at least eight wounded. Jets also carried out nine raids on areas in the city of Harasta, which caused material damage, but no information was immediately available on the number of wounded.

In a related context, the Arbain local council blamed the international community and guarantor countries of the “de-escalation” agreement for the violation of the Assad forces and its backers for the Ghouta agreement.

In a statement on its official Facebook page, it declared that “the military assault which Assad and allied militias are carrying out on the Eastern Ghouta targets civilians and the medical teams, and local and aid institutions, which are far from any military presence of the rebel groups inside the cities.”

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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