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Jordanian PM Calls to Enhance Cooperation and Coordination With Syria

The Jordanian Prime Minister stressed the need to enhance cooperation with Syria, as a ministerial delegation from Damascus visits Amman, according to the Syria Times.
Jordanian PM Calls to Enhance Cooperation and Coordination With Syria
Jordanian PM Calls to Enhance Cooperation and Coordination With Syria

The Jordanian Prime Minister Bisher al-Khasawneh on Tuesday stressed the need to enhance cooperation and coordination between Syria and Jordan in all domains, to serve the interests of the peoples of both countries.

He made the remarks during his meeting with the Syrian ministerial delegation currently visiting Amman.

According to the Jordanian News Agency Petra, Khasawneh said that recent meetings and mutual visits between Syrian and Jordanian officials should result in projects that benefit the peoples of the two countries and contribute to boosting the historical fraternal relations between Syria and Jordan, hoping that Syria will witness more security and stability.

The Jordanian PM talked about the possibility of speeding up the process of transferring Egyptian gas and Jordanian electricity to Lebanon via Syria, through rehabilitating the electricity network in the Syrian territories. He affirmed Jordan’s keenness in supporting Lebanon during its current crisis.

On their part, members of the Syrian delegation reviewed the main topics discussed during the meetings they held with their Jordanian counterparts, mainly in the fields of transport, trade, water, agriculture, and energy.

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They stressed that the Syrian people are satisfied with the return of relations and visits between Syria and Jordan.

The Syrian ministerial delegation comprises Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade Mohammad Samer al-Khalil, Minister of Water Resources Tammam Raad, Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform Mohammad Hassan Qatna, and Minister of Electricity Ghassan al-Zamil.

Syrian-Jordanian ministerial meetings

On Monday, the Syrian-Jordanian ministerial started its meetings to discuss means of enhancing bilateral cooperation between the two countries in the fields of trade, transport, electricity, agriculture, and water resources.

The final meeting will be held on Wednesday afternoon at the Jordanian Ministry of Trade and Industry, and it will discuss the understandings and the results of the bilateral meetings.

Jordanian Minister of Industry and Trade, Maha Ali, noted in televised statements that the meetings of the Syrian ministerial delegation with its counterpart in Jordan discussed the issues of trade exchange and the movement of trucks.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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