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Aleppo Residents Continually Displaced Between Demolished Districts Amid Regime Shelling

About 50,000 people have been displaced in three days as residents flee districts captured by the regime and areas witnessing clashes, says Civil Defense official
Aleppo Residents Continually Displaced Between Demolished Districts Amid Regime Shelling

Tens of thousands of displaced residents in the besieged city of Aleppo continue to move between demolished districts as regime forces and allied sectarian militias continue to bombard civilian areas under opposition control.

Baibars Meshaal, an official in the Syrian Civil Defense, reported that about 50,000 people have been displaced in three days after people fled from districts captured by the regime and areas witnessing clashes.

He indicated that residents were in a state of severe panic during the non-stop bombardment on the city's besieged districts.

Meshaal said that civilians were displaced from the districts of Al-Sukari, Saif al-Dowla, Bustan al-Qasr and Salaheddin, adding that these areas were not excluded from bombardment.

The displaced families have gathered what they can of their belongings and are crossing over the rubble of destroyed buildings by foot, with some using mule-drawn carts and wheelchairs to transport the injured and disabled.

Regime artillery on Wednesday struck a group of displaced people in eastern Aleppo killing 45 of them and wounding dozens of others, according to emergency respondents.

For the past two weeks Aleppo has been subjected to heavy bombardment, killing about 700 civilians and wounding thousands of others.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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