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Syrian Refugees Returning from Lebanon Flock to Areas Controlled by the Autonomous Administration

Al-Araby al-Jadeed says the reception of displaced individuals is coordinated between the crisis cell in the Autonomous Administration and its representation in Lebanon.
Syrian Refugees Returning from Lebanon Flock to Areas Controlled by the Autonomous Administration

Syrian refugees returning from Lebanon, along with others holding Lebanese nationality, continue to arrive in areas controlled by the Autonomous Administration in northeastern Syria amid ongoing Israeli aggression. Facilities are being established to assist in their reception. Sheikh Mahmoud Ahmed, co-head of the Office of Displaced and Refugee Affairs in the Social Affairs and Labor Commission of the Autonomous Administration for North and East Syria, explained to Al-Araby al-Jadeed that the reception of displaced individuals is coordinated between the crisis cell in the Autonomous Administration and its representation in Lebanon.

He noted, “We provide them with assistance in all necessary areas, facilitating their entry into the region without complications. Those without homes or relatives are taken to camps, and we coordinate with organizations to support them.” As of now, 11,814 refugees have arrived, with the number expected to rise, including many Lebanese nationals who usually have homes or relatives in the area. For those lacking shelter or family, arrangements are made for their accommodation in centers and camps.

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Syrian citizen Sameh al-Obaid highlighted challenges faced by returning refugees in the countryside of Raqqa. He noted difficulties in the city of Hama, particularly a lack of transportation. “I have relatives who have recently entered from Lebanon, but there are no cars available to take them to Qamishli,” he told Al-Araby al-Jadeed. “Transportation fees have increased, and rental prices have also risen in regime-controlled areas. What matters most is that they arrive safely and have homes to settle in.”

Obaid added that his relatives entered Syria directly, while the Autonomous Administration’s representation in Lebanon works to transfer Syrians from Beirut to its territories. He shared that relatives who arrived recently in Raqqa had been working for over eight years in the Bekaa Valley and had to hide among olive trees to escape the ongoing shelling.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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