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Palestinian Archbishop Calls for Lifting of Sanctions Against Syria

The Palestinian Archbishop has called for sanctions on Syria to be lifted, so that the country can better fight the spread of the coronavirus writes Al-Masdar.
Palestinian Archbishop Calls for Lifting of Sanctions Against Syria

The Antiochian Orthodox Archbishop of Sebastia, Atallah Hanna, on Monday called for the lifting of the Western coercive economic measures imposed on Syria in light of the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Hanna, in a solidarity message with Syria said, “From the city of al-Quds (Jerusalem), I send this appeal and this message, perhaps it reaches people who still have conscience in the world. Lift the sanctions imposed on Syria in light of the spread of coronavirus,” 

In a statement to SAN), he emphasized that the continuation of these sanctions is a crime against humanity. 

“From al-Quds city, we send the message of solidarity, fraternity, love and loyalty to Syria’s president, army and people, and we say that Syria, which triumphed over its enemies who conspired against it, will also triumph over the coronavirus epidemic.” Hanna concluded.

In addition to the archbishop, Pope Francis called on the countries imposing sanctions against developing and war-torn nations to halt this blockade, as they attempt to combat the coronavirus outbreak.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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