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Maher al-Assad’s Militia Takes Advantage of Crisis, Sells “Electricity” in Damascus

The ampere of electricity is sold to households and shop owners for 1,000 Syrian pounds, according to Orient Net.
Maher al-Assad’s Militia Takes Advantage of Crisis, Sells “Electricity” in Damascus

Major traders supported by officers from the Fourth Division militia, led by Maher al-Assad, brother of Bashar al-Assad, a notorious figure in the drug trade, have initiated investments and electricity sales within the “amperes” system in key markets located in the capital, Damascus. These activities have been facilitated by the Ministry of Electricity under the Assad regime.

According to undisclosed sources reported by the “Sawt al-Asima” website, a commercial company linked to these traders and officers has commenced the distribution of commercial electricity through the amperes system in the central Damascus markets of Salhiya, Shaalan, and Hamra. This initial step is expected to be expanded to other areas in the near future.

Syrian Pound Reaches New All Time Low

The sources indicate that the sale of electricity in Damascus markets was made possible through the assistance of the security office of the Fourth Division militia and the “40th branch” of the State Security militia.

The project cost for the three markets alone has surpassed 3 billion Syrian pounds, with potential plans to extend the project’s coverage to Shaalan and Salhiya areas within the next three months, incurring an additional cost of up to 6 billion Syrian pounds.

The company offers one ampere of electricity for 1,000 Syrian pounds, requiring shop owners to subscribe to a minimum of one ampere and a maximum of 15 amperes. Subscription fees are collected weekly from shops and monthly from warehouses and lounges.

Facilitated by Assad’s  Ministry of Electricity 

According to information gathered from the customs of Assad’s militia, the website reported that traders successfully imported large generators with the assistance of senior officers within the “fourth” division about a month ago.

In addition, the Ministry of Electricity has facilitated the importation of these generators, albeit with a condition. The ministry receives a small percentage of the investors’ profits in return for granting them access to the necessary mechanisms for project implementation and the distribution of electricity to specific sectors through the public electrical wire network.

A ministry employee revealed that permanent power lines, commonly referred to as “golden lines,” have been discontinued since the beginning of this year in all regions, particularly in areas where the sale of electricity through the “amperes” system has commenced.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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