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Why Qatar Changed its Position on Normalization with Syrian Regime?

Qatar's official position on normalization with the Syrian regime is tied to advancing a political solution, Nedaa Post reposts.
Why Qatar Changed its Position on Normalization with Syrian Regime?

Qatar has reiterated its stance on the normalization of relations with the Syrian regime, emphasizing that it is contingent on making progress toward a political solution.

Majid al-Ansari, the spokesperson for the Qatari Foreign Ministry, confirmed that Qatar’s position on normalization with the Syrian regime remains unchanged. He also commented on the Arab League’s decision to restore the regime to occupy Syria’s seat, stating that Qatar is committed to supporting Arab consensus and will not obstruct it.

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However, Ansari emphasized that Qatar’s official position on normalization with the Syrian regime is tied to advancing a political solution that fulfills the aspirations of the Syrian people. He expressed Qatar’s eagerness to collaborate with other Arab nations to achieve the Syrian people’s desire for dignity, peace, development, and prosperity.

Ansari went on to express hope that the Syrian regime would take steps to address the root causes of the crisis that led to its isolation. He also urged the regime to work towards improving its relations with other Arab countries, which would contribute to enhancing security and stability in the region.

Ansari emphasized that the State of Qatar continues to support all regional and international efforts aimed at finding a comprehensive and equitable resolution to the Syrian crisis that respects Syria’s unity, sovereignty, and territorial integrity.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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