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Mekdad: Syrian-Indian Relations Friendly and Solid

Mekdad said that New Delhi has not stopped providing humanitarian aid or economic support to Syria, according to SANA.
Mekdad: Syrian-Indian Relations Friendly and Solid

Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Faisal al-Mekdad, said that Syrian-Indian relations are friendly and solid, and there is a strong will to develop them in various fields.

In a statement to SANA correspondent in India, Minister Mekdad said that the visits of the Syrian delegations to India have not stopped, and there is continuous communication, noting that the Indian embassy in Damascus did not close its doors during the war.

Mekdad said that in the political field, India supported Syria in its combat against terrorism and demanded an end to the unjust war imposed on Syria. Also, India is a member of the UN Security Council and supports Syria in every way.

Mekdad Gives Presentation on Syria, Middle East and Syrian-Indian Relations

Regarding the economic field, Mekdad said that New Delhi has not stopped providing humanitarian aid or economic support to Syria. There are many domains in which Syria relies on the aid and economic support it receives from India, whether in the field of food, medicine or technology.

Minister Mekdad indicated that the Syrian Diplomatic Institute of the Foreign Ministry has sent 75 Syrian diplomats over the past three years to India to benefit from the experience of the Indian Diplomatic Institute, adding that 100 Syrian students are benefiting from Indian scholarships annually.

“We are two countries that directly combat terrorism, and Syria has a lot of experience in fighting various forms of terror, and we believe that this experience should be transferred to our friends in India,” Mekdad said.

In an exclusive interview with WION TV, Minister Mekdad stressed that India is a country that respects international law and the UN Charter and has honourable stances in support of the rights of peoples, especially the Palestinian cause.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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