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After Announcing Cessation Subsidies: Stockholm Calls on Kurdish Parties to Move Activities from Sweden

Sweden needs to get closer to Ankara and join NATO, according to Athr Press.
After Announcing Cessation Subsidies: Stockholm Calls on Kurdish Parties to Move Activities from Sweden

The statements of Sweden’s foreign minister in the new government angered the Kurdish Autonomous Administration. It accused Sweden of partnering with Tukey to torpedo the Autonomous-Administration project in the region through an official statement of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). 

Experts pointed out that “Sweden’s recent statements are an indirect blow from Turkey to the SDF, and tantamount to diplomatic harassment of it. The SDF sought, during the previous period, to try to gain legitimacy for its existence by visiting European delegations to receive their nationals detained in the camps, except for Sweden, which has developed its relations remarkably with the Kurdish Autonomous Administration.” 

AANES Disappointed Over Sweden’s New Stance to ‘Placate’ Turkey

Informed sources said: “Sweden is one of the first countries that had distinguished relations with the Kurdish Autonomous Administration and one of the first countries to open a representative of the Kurdish Autonomous Administration on its territory. Today it is required to transfer all its activities from Sweden. Turkey was able to pressure internationally towards political tightening on the Kurdish units classified on the lists of international terrorism.”   

In 2019, the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs pledged during its meetings with Ilham Ahmed to provide the necessary assistance and support on the relief issue. In addition, it will support the Autonomous Administration of northern and eastern Syria politically to be represented in the Constitutional Committee in Geneva according to a vision and proposal that the Kingdom of Sweden will formally present at the meeting of European Union foreign ministers.   

It is noteworthy that Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billström announced two days ago that “the new government in the country will distance itself from the People’s Protection Units (YPG). He stressed that his country needs to get closer to Ankara and join NATO. 


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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