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Jordanian-Syrian Economic Forum Continues in Damascus

The minister of Industry said Syria is working today to rehabilitate its industrial sector, according to Zaman al-Wasl.
Jordanian-Syrian Economic Forum Continues in Damascus

The Jordanian-Syrian Economic Forum, organized by the Jordan Chamber of Commerce (JCC), in cooperation with the Federation of Syrian Chambers of Commerce, resumed its activities in the Syrian capital Damascus on Sunday, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.

The forum, which is scheduled to conclude on October 10th, constitutes an important economic impetus further to strengthen trade relations between the two brotherly countries and launch a phase of commercial partnership to stronger levels to meet common aspirations.

Speaking at the event, Syrian Minister of Industry Ziad Sabbagh said the current global economic developments require the two countries to draw a road map and reconsider their common economic status, which would be reflected jointly by establishing industrial partnerships that achieve added value and high quality.

Read Also: Syrian – Jordanian Economic Forum Held in Damascus

Syria, he added, is working today to rehabilitate its industrial sector, which was subject to systematic sabotage and destruction during the crisis that reflected in its contribution to Syria’s GDP.

Syria is seeking industrial partnerships with Jordan to help it rehabilitate its sectors and import raw materials, he noted, lauding the level of current bilateral relations.

He called on taking advantage of the comparative advantages available in the two countries, especially in labour, raw materials and industries, highlighting the importance of launching complementary work and exchanging expertise.

For his part, Syrian Minister of Agriculture Mohammad Hassan Qatna pointed to Syria’s official interest in strengthening his country’s relations with Jordan in the economic fields, especially in the agricultural domain.

Qatna also referred to continuous coordination in this regard, which has led to new understandings of the agricultural field and facilitated the exchange of agricultural products between the two sides.

Syria, he noted, has a “strong” desire to benefit from the Jordanian poultry industry, adding that his country will harness its capabilities for the Jordanian private sector to establish joint investments and integrate technology into this sector.

The Syrian agricultural sector can compete in export markets and provide products according to the standard specifications countrywide, the minister pointed out.

Syria reached an understanding with Jordan regarding plant quarantine, he noted, calling on launching a single health certificate and veterinary quarantine system.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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