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Syria, UN Discuss Early Recovery Projects

The Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister said Syria would not need humanitarian aid if it wasn't for the war, according to SANA.
Syria, UN Discuss Early Recovery Projects

Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Bashar al-Jaafari, discussed with heads of offices and missions of the United Nations agencies operating in Syria mechanisms to follow up on the implementation of Security Council resolution 2642 related to the humanitarian situation in Syria and the United Nations’ plans to implement projects included in the field of early recovery in Syria, especially concerning the electricity and water sectors.
Jaafari said that Syria would not have been in need of humanitarian aid if the terrorist war was not launched against the country, not to mention the illegitimate unilateral coercive measures imposed by some countries on the Syrian people, as well as the U.S. and Turkish occupations, which posed big challenges, especially on the electricity and water sectors, besides other sectors such as education, health and services.
Jaafari considered that what is going on in Syria is not a humanitarian crisis, but a political one as the U.S. occupation is looting the resources of the Syrian people, and the Turkish occupation is violating the bilateral agreements signed between the Syrian and Turkish sides regarding water in the border area.

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He stressed that projects related to the service sectors in Syria requires the cooperation of all national and international efforts to help support early recovery in those sectors, urging the United Nations to make more efforts to play the role assigned to it in this field.
For his part, the resident coordinator of the UN development and humanitarian activities in Syria, Imran Reda, noted the importance of the initiative of the Deputy Minister.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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