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SOC Sends Letter to Jordan Regarding Assistance to Residents of al-Rukban Camp

Salem al-Meslet said the residents of al-Rukban live between fear of thirst and fear of the regime, according to the SOC Media Department.
SOC Sends Letter to Jordan Regarding Assistance to Residents of al-Rukban Camp

President of the Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC), Salem al-Meslet, sent a letter to the Jordanian Foreign Minister, Ayman Safadi, regarding the suffering of the residents of the al-Rukban refugee camp, which is blockaded by the Assad regime’s forces and its allies near the Jordanian border.
Meslet pointed out that the desert camp is home to thousands of displaced Syrians and is under a years-long blockade by the Assad regime. He said that the suffering was exacerbated by the lack of food, water, baby formula, and medicine, as well as the insufficient supply of clean water provided by UNICEF to the camp’s residents.

Read Also: Recap: Regime Tightens Siege on al-Rukban Camp

Meslet pointed out that the harsh conditions in the camp forced some households to leave toward the Assad regime-held areas. He said that the camp residents are now living between two dangers: slow death due to the lack of water, food and medicine; and arrest, enforced disappearance, torture and murder if they return to regime-controlled areas.
Meslet called for making every possible effort to save the camp’s residents from dying of thirst, increasing the amount of water coming from Jordan through the United Nations office in Amman.
He stressed the need to exert all possible pressure to end the Assad regime’s blockade of the camp, prevent it from using food and medicine as a weapon against the camp’s residents, and allow aid convoys to reach the camp without any conditions.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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